On September 27th, a news article by Japan’s Asahi News, titled, “DBSK’s comeback potential“, speculated that Avex dropped promotional activities with JYJ because their contract with JYJ hindered Avex’s recruitment of other Korean stars. The article specified that Avex supported JYJ, but this caused a breakdown in relations between Avex and SM Entertainment to the point where the latter signed SNSD with Universal.
In summary, Aera, the author of the article, postulates that Avex split with JYJ as an act of submission to SM Entertainment and other Korean entertainment corporations.
Aera wrote, “It is commonly accepted in Korea that companies spend millions to train and promote artists from their early childhood. Korea’s entertainment business finds it inevitable that contracts must be of a certain length to guarantee profit. JYJ’s split from SM through legal proceedings put a huge scratch on the face of SM and Korea’s business. When Avex salvaged JYJ, it was a direct confrontation with SM.”
“When SNSD and KARA signed under Universal, and 2PM followed up with Sony, Avex had to consider the lack of fresh Korean recruitment. In the end, they opted to drop the immediately, but minimally profitable, JYJ for a chance to sign the new generation’s ‘DBSK’.”
Aera continued, “Just like in Korea, where fame is but an overinflated bubble, when DBSK broke up, their fame took a massive hit. Even in Japan, JYJ’s activities drew negatives comments such as, ‘money hungry dogs’, and other severe criticisms“.
Aera concluded by questioning whether JYJ has a bright future ahead.
source : allkpop
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